<span class="vcard">Wendelin Bitzan</span>
Wendelin Bitzan

Aufsatz über russische Präludienzyklen

Struggling heavily to finish a lengthy essay on omni-tonal 24-prelude sets for piano from Soviet Russia, dealing in particular with music by Shostakovich and Kabalevsky. To be published soon on Academia.edu, as well as on my labyrinthian personal website.

Neue Komposition: Kinderkaleidoskop

Recently completed Kinderkaleidoskop, four little piano pieces, dedicated to my daughter Cosima for her fourth birthday, and incorporating some children’s tunes beloved by the dedicatee 😉

Musik memorieren

Looking forward to presenting my two-day workshop on music learning and performing from memory at Badisches Konservatorium Karlsruhe this weekend. More than twenty participants have registered—never thought I’d be such a crowd puller!