Wendelin Bitzan

Things to Look At

Some new promotional material is now available, and I am excited to share! First, a long cherished desire of mine was fulfilled with a custom-tailored suit for multiple purposes. Second, I had an enjoyable and inspirational photo shooting in order to update my visual portfolio. And third, I produced a set of hand-crafted business cards, layouted and printed in lead typesetting all by myself. See below for some results.

Credits: Suit by Kuhn Maßkonfektion, photographs by Ania Sudbin,
grand piano courtesy of Reinhild Kuhn, business cards from Druckgraphik Atelier


An Inspirational Weekend

Thankful for a weekend full of diverse musics and performance experiences: On Friday I started the first-ever web livestream from my studio, presenting some piano pieces by Marie Jaëll. On Saturday I felt marvellously entertained by Lennart Schilgen‘s delightful song programme at Zebrano Theater. And on Sunday I was lucky enough to witness an entrancing concert of Caroline Shaw and Sō Percussion at Konzerthaus Berlin. Much obliged to the dear people who made all this possible!

Performing Jaëll on Women’s Day

On the occasion of the #womencomposersday, I will be playing a few pieces from French-German composer Marie Jaëll‘s piano cycle Les jours pluvieux (1894) live on my Facebook page. I’d be delighted if you tuned in on Friday, 8 March, at 1 pm CET, to listen to some unjustly rarely performed music. Thanks to Arno Lücker for launching this initiative! See here for the full line-up, featuring some highly valued musicians and ensembles.

Legal Dispute Settled in Court

I hereby announce that my legal dispute with Theo Geißler has been settled, and we have come to terms that neither of us will further pursue the case. Mr Geißler has made a statutory declaration that he did not publish or arrange to publish the comment in dispute which has been posted from the Facebook profile theo.geissler on 31 January 2024.

This announcement is issued to comply with a court settlement before Landgericht Regensburg on 29 February 2024. A criminal charge has been filed for abusive use of Mr Geißler’s name and profile picture. Investigation results are pending.

Crowdfunding Alert

I need to engage in an involuntary legal proceeding against an influential German newspaper publisher. After I was bullied from his Facebook account a month ago, he denied responsibility for this incident and issued a cease and desist order, followed by an application for preliminary injunction to keep me from reporting on the case. I refuse to give in to this attempt to intimidate and silence me, and therefore need to defend myself in court. As I probably won’t be able to cover the legal expenses and attorney fees involved in this procedure on my own, I set up a crowdfunding campaign. I’ll be grateful for any support!

» Access the crowdfunding website