Open Letter to the nmz

Open Letter to the nmz

The German music journal neue musikzeitung regularly features a section with news from the Deutscher Tonkünstlerverband. My colleague Anne Uerlichs and I recently wrote an open letter of complaint to the editors-in-chief, criticising the poor quality of some of these articles. For example, the current issue includes a review of a recent DTKV Berlin event, the Steglitz Early Music Days, written by the organiser herself in an  embarrassingly boastful tone, full of entitlement and self-praise. This is but one of several journalistic failures recently found in the nmz, some of which clearly contradict their own editorial guidelines and the general principle of unbiased coverage. We wonder how such derailments are even possible, and propose that a committee be installed for the quality control and supervision of the DTKV contributions. The full letter is available here (in German language only).

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