Wendelin Bitzan

Perpetrators in Tailcoats: Srsly?

I have recently been engaged with VG Musikedition, the German collecting society for music publishing, in a discussion on their recent publication on copying musical scores (which is largely based on an older brochure by the same author Thomas Tietze, titled »Perpetrators in Tailcoats«). The subliminally threatening tone of this publication tends to criminalise musicians as »sheet music pirates«, and behaviour due to lack of juridical knowledge is marked as »illegal action«. Using the hashtag #keinenotenkopieohnelizenz, VG Musikedition stereotypically claims that all music copying needs to be licensed regardless of the age of the composer and edition—which is a purely propagandistic view, considering that large portions of the repertoire are in the public domain. My correspondence with director Christian Krauß (at least I believe it’s him) is available through the screenshots below.

The First Commandment

This is the first general rule of classical music journalism: Do not, by all means, comment on a blogpost on Slipped Disc. Don’t even think of it. Do read the blog and comments if necessary, but #neverever take the bait to add your own two cents. Rather follow Norman‘s example: He will never comment one of his contributions himself (and I am pretty sure he won’t react to this post either). Mark my words, and keep clear of a whole load of embarrassment. Thanks for your attention!

New Insights from Munich

I don’t consider this article a particularly convincing piece of journalistic work, but at least it demonstrates the incredible extent of sexually offensive and abusive behaviour that, in all probability, has been carried out for decades by some professors of Hochschule für Musik und Theater München. To me this looks like a collective failure on all levels of academic administration, and in case I had the dubious honour of being employed by this institution, I would quit immediately. If only half of these accusations prove right, the state authority in charge should appropriately install an official committee of inquiry and, if the university fails to prevent further victimisation of their staff and students, take action to close it down as a last consequence.

Sonata Theories of the East

Just finished a paper on historical theories of sonata form in Russia and the early Soviet Union. It is fascinating to examine how, after relying on translations and adaptations of Western European textbooks by Hugo Riemann, Ludwig Bussler, and Ebenezer Prout, the contributions of Russian scholars such as Anton Arensky, Sergei Taneyev, Georgi Catoire, and Boris Asafiev gradually paved the way for a more individual approach towards the traditional model, regarding sonata form as a paradigm of both composition and analysis. The article will, hopefully, soon be published in ZGMTH, the journal of the German Music Theory Association.

Back to the Roots

Held my first lecture on techno music today. It’s been a pleasure discussing a popular music topic with an audience of music theorists, and I very much enjoyed talking about the stuff I was totally crazy about as a teen, back in the 1990s—the intriguing productions of former rave music duo RMB. Their tracks used to provide inspiration for my own humble attempts to create electronic dance music, and continue to fascinate me to this day. Thank you also, Rolf Maier-Bode, for answering my questions on the role of movie soundclips in your music.