Herzliche Grüße aus Moskau

Herzliche Grüße aus Moskau

Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Am scheduled for tomorrow to present a paper on the orchestral music of Sergey Taneyev and Aleksandr Scriabin in a conference of the Russian Society for Music Theory. Couldn’t be more excited!
For all those interested: the paper will also be presented in a German version during the 15th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie (GMTH), included in a panel dedicated to Taneyev and Scriabin—Saturday, 3 October, 2–4 pm, UdK Berlin, Faculty of Music, Bundesallee 1–12, Carl Flesch hall. Also speaking in that section: Aleksandra Savenkova, Elena Chernova, and Benjamin Vogels.

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