Pro Musik About to Take Action

Pro Musik About to Take Action

Freelance musicians in Germany were having a tough time for more than a year now, struggling to make their living with largely insufficient support from the governmental aid programmes, and doing without a powerful professional representation. The new association Verband Pro Musik is now going to change this situation, offering a well-connected network that advocates for better working conditions, reputation, and social security of their members. I am confident that this federation can advance to a strong political voice, uniting and consolidating the diverse interests of the independent music scene—both during and beyond the current situation. These are important goals that the existing organisations and unions were unable to achieve so far.

Since Pro Musik opened their doors, more than 300 people have applied for membership in just one week, and I encourage you to consider supporting and joining this association. The corporate video was released yesterday and can be viewed here. For statutes and membership application, please follow this link.

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