Statement on UdK Berlin

Statement on UdK Berlin

Dear folks, I need to clarify something. Apparently there are rumours spreading that I quit teaching at the Berlin University of the Arts for some other reason than I have pointed out. Several persons seem to assume a tactical move: By leaving university I might have made myself unsuspiciously eligible for accepting a professorship, allegedly due to a nepotistic agreement, and in order to avoid a domestic appointment (»Hausberufung«). This story currently circulates among German music theorists and music universities, so I feel obliged to issue a short statement.

Let me get things straight: This is absolute total bullshit. Neither was any post at UdK Berlin’s Faculty of Music offered to me, nor did I apply for any position with more than average expectations to be considered an eligible appointee. The suspicion is particularly absurd because the said institution just recently appointed a long-term faculty member as professor without any objection. As for my own concern, I assure everybody that I left university with no subsequent contract or other prospective position in mind. At the time I decided to quit I had no knowledge of any professoral position at UdK Berlin to be advertised soon. This is the truth, and nothing but the truth.

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