
Streaming Releases #10–12

A selection of my piano music, composed during my years of study and adjunct teaching, is now available on all relevant streaming platforms. Performances all by myself. Please leave a fav or playlist add if you feel like it!

  • Skulpturen, a four-part piano cycle (2009), represented here by the etude-like number Drei
  • Novemberklage (2013), an extensive lament in sombre autumnal mood
  • Kinderkaleidoskop (2015), a collection of short pieces dedicated to my then-four-year-old daughter

Performances by Young Harpists

My composition Song without Words for solo harp will be included as a compulsory piece in the 10th Competition for Harpists of the Verband der Harfenisten Deutschland. The event takes place in the Thüringer Landesmusikakademie Sondershausen, 1–5 May 2024. If you happen to be in Thuringia at the next weekend, please stop by! The piece will be performed by about 15 young contestants, aged 10–12 years, on 4 May, 9 am to 4 pm.

Streaming Releases #3–5

Some more releases of my music are live on all relevant streaming platforms: a solo piano piece, Fantasia come una Sonata, of 2003, as well as two choral works, Maienlied and Erstes Elegisches Gedicht, also composed some twenty years ago. During the next months I will add other pieces in chronological order. Many thanks to all the performers who agreed on making these recordings available! I’d be delighted if you stop by, have a listen, and leave some likes or playlist adds. #streamscometrue

» Check, for example, my S.p.O.t.I.f.Y profile

Streams Come True

I decided to publish a selection of my compositions on commercial streaming platforms—not to earn a profit, of course, as I don’t expect any significant revenues, but to make my music more widely available. My first release is a short solo piece that I wrote and recorded some twenty years ago: Introduction and Waltz for piano, a capricious miniature inspired by Brecht’s Threepenny Opera. If you like it, please add the piece to your libraries or playlists, and consider following or sharing my artist page. Your support is much appreciated!